Hello, I’m Andorrah I am grateful that you are here. If your guidance team says that I can help you on your life’s path, I will always do my best to maintain my spiritual health to make the strongest and best connection to your spirits and guides. My Gifts Are: -Free 15min Consultations -Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge, and Fountain of Youth Energies -Perfect Living Energies -Ayurvedic Remedies and Rasyanas for Better Health -The Vedas -Divine Memory Restore -Planetary Washes -Kundalini Reiki -Usui Reiki Holy Fire -Seraphim Blueprint -Angel Guidance -Psychic Readings -Distance/Remote Healing -Oracle and Tarot Card Readings -Clearing Spaces of Negativity -Sound Bath/Healing -Chakra Tuning + more that can't be listed due to limited space